Spray Painting - professional service by NECCI

What is Spray Painting?

Spray Painting involves wet paint contained in a pressurized aerosol container for spraying onto surfaces.This process occurs when paint is applied to an object through the use of an air-pressurized spray gun. The air gun has a nozzle, paint basin, and air compressor. When the trigger is pressed the paint mixes with the compressed air stream and is released in a fine spray
Source: www.Answers.com & www.WikiPedia.org

What we offer

Want something painted?Why choose us for your Spray Paint work?

We provide "hands-on" custom painting by our Paint Specialists.

We do not use Conveyorized Painting or Machines to do our paint work.

Average turn-around time is 3-5 business days.

Prep work (masking, sanding) is done in house in order to expedite delivery.

We have a 8,000 sq. ft. room for spray painting.

We specialize in military specification painting (Aviation).

We use industry standard equipment and paint.

We provide a wide variety of paints to choose from (color, gloss level, texture, etc.)


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